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Will an Electric Pet Fence Keep Other Animals Out?

Pet Stop • March 2, 2015

Installing an electric pet fence is a good idea for anyone who wishes to keep their pets confined within set boundaries. If you live in an area that does not permit visible fences, you may be considering an invisible fence like the ones offered by Pet Stop of Columbus in Columbus, OH. Their invisible electric pet fences come with a lifetime guarantee, and their years of expertise will help you make the best decisions regarding pet containment. You may be wondering if installing an electric pet fence will also keep other animals out of your yard, and unfortunately, the answer is no. Let’s go over how electric fences work and what benefits they’re capable of providing.

How Electric Pet Fences Work

An electric pet fence creates boundaries and limitations around your yard that help prevent your pet from leaving. If you have a pet that is prone to running at strangers or running into the street, it is highly recommended that you install a pet fence to ensure the safety of your pet and your community. Your pet wears a receiving collar that is connected to the fence, which is buried in the ground. Whenever the collar approaches the fence, it sets off a beeping alarm to warn your pet to turn around. If they do not turn around but instead attempt to cross the invisible fence, it will trigger a small electric shock. This is a very effective and humane way of containing your pet within your yard. The shocks they receive are appropriate to their size and weight so you can be sure that it will not cause harm or pain to your furry friends.

So Why Doesn’t it Keep Other Animals Out?

The only way for the fence to generate a shock is through the receiving collar. Because other animals will not be wearing this collar, they will be able to move freely in and out of your yard. They may receive a minimal shock but it will not be enough to stop them from crossing the fence. If your primary concern is other animals coming into your yard, you would benefit more from installing a physical, visible fence above the invisible electric fence.

It is recommended that you train your pet to recognize the limitations you’ve set using the electric pet fence. Doing so will ensure that they learn to obey and respect boundaries without enduring multiple shock corrections. If you have decided to simultaneously install a visible fence as well, then your pets should have no trouble staying within their limits; otherwise, it is a good idea to place brightly-colored flags around the invisible fence to provide your pet with visual cues. Teach them to recognize the beeping sound made by the collar upon approaching the fence. Pet Stop of Columbus offers pet training to help your pet deal with this new installment.

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