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Importance of a Microchip Implant for Your Pet

Pet Stop • March 12, 2015

Pet micro-chips are very tiny transponders that can be fitted to be inserted under the skin of the animal. They are usually implanted just under the skin, right between the shoulder blades. The microchip stores owner’s information so that if your pet gets lost and someone scans the microchip they will know how to return your pet. Any vet clinic or animal shelter that locates your lost pet can contact the registry to get your name and number. 

Why Microchip Your Pet

Despite your best efforts, your cat or dog can slip out an open door or gate and disappear without you knowing. In most cases, any lost pet wearing a collar and identification tag can be easily returned to the rightful owner. However, if the collar comes off it could be nearly impossible for someone to return your pet. This is why it is important to microchip your pet, so you can protect your pets against such an unfortunate scenario. They provide an extra level of security in case your pet loses his or her collar and tags. 

Types of Microchips

There are four main types of microchips that have been marketed for use in pets:

  • ISO Conformant Full-Duplex chip
  • AVID Secure/Encrypted "FriendChip"
  • "Trovan Unique" and Current AKC CAR chips

These chips are generally not compatible with each other, so one type of microchip reader may not be able to read a competitor's microchip. However, some scanners can read multiple chip types.

A microchip is one important way to keep your pet safe. An additional option to help you keep your pet safe would be installing an invisible fence to contain your pet. And if you are in the Columbus, Ohio area and are interested in having an invisible pet fence installation done, then do not hesitate to contact Pet Stop of Columbus.

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