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Training Your Dog to Avoid an Electric Dog Fence

Pet Stop • February 26, 2015

If your dog is known for running out of the front door at any opportune moment, chasing your neighbor’s cat, or digging in your neighbor’s garden, you probably need an electric dog fence. These fences are invisible because they are comprised of electric wires that are shallowly buried into the ground, keeping your pet contained in your yard. Generally, a dog collar with a coordinating receiver is placed on your dog’s neck. The collar beeps as your dog approaches the fence, but not all dogs heed this warning. It is important to teach your dog the boundaries of the electric dog fence to avoid unpleasant corrections. Here are a few tips you can use to teach your dog the limits of your yard.

Use Brightly-Colored Flags

Because the fence is invisible, it can be difficult to initially teach your dog where the boundaries are without letting them learn for themselves. To avoid shocking trial and error, you can provide your dog with visual hints by placing brightly-colored flags around the limits of the fence.

Teach Your Dog Simple Commands

There are a few basic movement commands that would be beneficial to your dog when it comes to pet fence training. “Go!” and “Come here!” are two commands that are useful because they allow you to direct your pet away from the electric dog fence when needed. It is also a good idea to walk your dog through the motions; start by holding your dog’s collar and slowly walking towards the fence as they follow behind. Once the collar starts beeping, immediately step back and turn away from the fence. You should reward your dog by giving him a treat or his favorite food whenever he does it correctly.

Remove the Flags

Now that you’ve given your dog visual cues and helped him learn to recognize audio cues, it is time to remove the flags and see how your dog reacts. If he continues to step away from the fence as soon as the beeping occurs, then your work is done; otherwise, return the flags and repeat these three steps until your dog has learned to avoid the electric dog fence.

Hire a Professional

Pet Stop of Columbus in Columbus, OH, offers electric dog fences with lifetime guarantees. In addition to quality equipment, they offer professional training to help your dog learn the boundaries set by this new installment. They will work with your dog for however long it takes to ensure that the training is a success. Keep in mind that if your dog receives a correction from the electric dog fence, it will not be painful. The shock they receive is meant to divert their attention and because you can set the collar to their size and weight, you can be sure that the shock your dog receives is controlled and humane.

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